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May 10, 2005
Xbox Live, Drivatars
I've recently bitten the bullet and have now got an Xbox Live account (Gamertag: Zaphus). So far I've only played Forza on it but I'll also be playing Burnout3 soon.
Xbox live is pretty easy to set up, but I've run into a firewall/router problem that limits your ability to connect to some people. I hope to figure out the solution soon, but for now the solution eludes me. This page is a good guide for the problem though.
Forza has a pretty neat feature (for nerds and game developers) - the ability to train an AI to race for you, which they call a Drivatar - Personally I think it should have been "Drivator" or "Drivanator" :-)
The research behind the Drivatar is quite good (Microsoft Research), and definately worth looking at if you are a games developer, or just interested in the AI behind driving games.
Some of what they are doing is not new, but they have definately taken things to a new level. It will be very interesting to see how differently people can train their AI to race and whether the Drivatar really is a step forwards in the AI of racing games.
Posted by Zaph at May 10, 2005 08:39 AM
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