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August 10, 2004
AGDC, and monkeys
First up, thanks to Souri at Sumea for posting a link to my weblog - maybe someone will give me a great idea now!
Ok, I'll admit it, not only am I currently searching for a topic to talk about at AGDC but I'm trying to think of a way to get the word Monkeys into the title :-)
A couple of ideas I'm fleshing out:
1) A talk about how we use Bugzilla to both track bugs and to do day-to-day project management at a micro-level (rather than at the Gantt level). Or more specifically, how we use it, how we could improve our usage, how it helps and where it hinders. (thanks to Alex for that idea)
2) A sequel to last years Monkey Madness talk. However I'm not sure I've got enough new stuff to fill out the whole talk at this stage.
There are a bunch of other things I'd love to talk about, but don't have enough to cover a whole session at this stage - maybe I'll just rant to the people I end up having lunch with (again!).
Of course given that I havent settled on a topic there's always the possiblity that the AGDC will give my slot to someone else, so I'd better hurry up!
Posted by Zaph at August 10, 2004 08:53 PM
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